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para_server - manage and stream audio files
SYNOPSISpara_server [--help] [--detailed-help] [--version] [--config-file=<filename>] [--priority=<prio>] [--daemon] [--logfile=<filename>] [--user=<username>] [--group=<groupname>] [--loglevel=<severity>] [--log-timing] [--color=<when>] [--log-color=<color_spec>] [--listen-address=<addr>] [--port=<portnumber>] [--user-list=<path>] [--autoplay] [--autoplay-delay=<milliseconds>] [--announce-time=<milliseconds>] [--afs-database-dir=<directory>] [--afs-socket=<path>] [--afs-initial-mode=<specifier/name>] [--http-listen-address=<addr>] [--http-port=<portnumber>] [--http-default-deny] [--http-access=<a.b.c.d/n>] [--http-no-autostart] [--http-max-clients=<number>] [--dccp-listen-address=<addr>] [--dccp-port=<portnumber>] [--dccp-default-deny] [--dccp-access=<a.b.c.d/n>] [--dccp-no-autostart] [--dccp-max-clients=<number>] [--dccp-max-slice-size=<bytes>] [--dccp-data-slices-per-group=<count>] [--dccp-slices-per-group=<count>] [--udp-target=<host[:port]>] [--udp-default-port=<portnumber>] [--udp-no-autostart] [--udp-mcast-iface=<interface>] [--udp-header-interval=<milliseconds>] [--udp-ttl=<num>]
DESCRIPTIONpara_server streams audio files over a local or remote network. It is controlled by para_client(1), which connects para_server through the paraslash control service.
On startup the server spawns a second process, the audio file selector, which maintains the database of all known audio files. This database contains file format, duration and tag information of each known file and statistics such as last-played time, and the number of times each file was streamed. Lyrics and cover art may be added to the database and associated with one or more audio files.
Besides ordinary playlists the audio file selector supports so-called moods. Moods instruct the server to determine the files to be streamed and their order in terms of properties stored in the database.
The following options are implemented generically and are
available for many of the commands.
-h, --help
print help and exit
print help, including all details, and exit
-V, --version
print version and exit
-c, --config-file=<filename>
path to alternative config file
default: ~/.paraslash/server.conf
para_server reads its config file right after parsing the options that were given at the command line. If an option is given both at the command line and in the config file, the value that was specified at the command line takes precedence.
adjust scheduling priority
default: 0
The priority (also known as nice value) is a value in the range -20 to 19. Lower priorities cause more favorable scheduling. Since only privileged processes may request a negative priority, specifying a negative value works only if the daemon is started with root privileges.
-d, --daemon
run as background daemon
If this option is given and no logfile was specified, all messages go to /dev/null.
-L, --logfile=<filename>
where to write log output
If this option is not given, para_server writes the log messages to stderr.
-u, --user=<username>
run as the given user
para_server does not need any special privileges.
If started as root (EUID == 0) this option must be given at the command line (not in the configuration file) so that para_server can drop the root privileges right after parsing the command line options, but before parsing the configuration file. In this case, real/effective/saved UID are all set to the UID of <username>. As the configuration file is read afterwards, those options that have a default value depending on the UID (e.g. the directory for the configuration file) are computed by using the uid of <username>. This option has no effect if para_server is started as a non-root user (i.e. EUID != 0).
-g, --group=<groupname>
set group id
This option sets the group id according to <group>. This option is silently ignored if EUID != 0. Otherwise, real/effective GID and the saved set-group ID are all set to the GID given by <group>. Must not be given in the config file.
-l, --loglevel=<severity>
control amount of logging
values: debug, info, notice, warning, error, crit, emerg
Log only messages with severity greater or equal than the given value. Possible values:
debug: Produces really noisy output. info: Still noisy, but won’t fill up the disk quickly. notice: Indicates normal, but significant event. warning: Unexpected events that can be handled. error: Unhandled error condition. crit: System might be unreliable. emerg: Last message before exit.
-T, --log-timing
show milliseconds in log messages
Selecting this option causes milliseconds to be included in the log message output. This allows measuring of the interval between log messages in milliseconds which is useful for identifying timing problems.
-C, --color=<when>
activate color output
values: yes, no, auto
select a color for one type of log message
The format of <color_spec> is [<fg> [<bg>]] [<attr>].
Valid colors for <fg> and <bg> are "normal", "black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", and "white".
The <attr> value must be one of "bold", "dim", "ul", "blink", "reverse".
--log-color "debug:green" --log-color "info:yellow bold" --log-color "notice:white red bold"
Options for
local listening addresses for the control service
para_server listens on a TCP socket for incoming connections from para_client or para_audiod. This option controls on which addresses the server should listen. If the option is not given, the server listens on all local addresses (INADDR_ANY for IPv4 addresses, IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT for IPv6 addresses).
The argument specifies an IPv4 or an IPv6 address, either a numerical network address (for IPv4, numbers-and-dots notation as supported by inet_aton(3); for IPv6, hexadecimal string format as supported by inet_pton(3)), or a network hostname, whose network addresses is looked up and resolved. The address can optionally include a port number. For addresses for which no port number is given, the argument of the --port option (see below) is implied.
This option may be given multiple times. The server will then listen on each of the specified addresses.
Examples:,, localhost, localhost:2991, [::1]:2991, [badc0de::1].
-p, --port=<portnumber>
listening port of the control service
default: 2990
This option applies only to addresses given to --listen-address (see above) which do no include a port number. If the default port is changed, the corresponding option of para_client must be used to connect to para_server.
file which contains user names and credentials
This file contains one line per user of the form
user <username> <key> <perms>
See the manual for more information.
Options for
the virtual streaming system
-a, --autoplay
start streaming on startup
The default is to defer streaming until para_client connects and executes the "play" command.
time to wait before streaming
default: 0
This option is ignored if --autplay is not given. Otherwise, its argument defines for how long streaming is delayed at startup.
This is useful in init scripts to set the delay large enough to make sure para_audiod is up when para_server starts to stream.
-A, --announce-time=<milliseconds>
grace time for data connections
default: 300
para_server tells para_audiod through the control service connection whether an audio stream is currently available. This option defines the delay between announcing the stream and sending the first chunk of audio data.
Options for
the audio file selector
-D, --afs-database-dir=<directory>
location of the afs database
The directory which contains the database for the audio file selector. The default is ~/.paraslash/afs_database-0.7.
If no database was found, the "init" command must be executed to initialize the database. Once initialized, audio files may added with the "add" command.
-s, --afs-socket=<path>
socket for afs connections
default: /var/paraslash/afs_command_socket-0.4
Server commands communicate with the audio file selector, via a local socket. This option specifies the location of the socket in the file system.
-i, --afs-initial-mode=<specifier/name>
mood or playlist to load on startup
The argument of this option consists of a prefix, either ’m/’ or ’p/’, to indicate whether a mood or a playlist should be loaded, followed by the name of the mood or playlist. Example:
--afs-initial-mode p/foo
loads the playlist named "foo".
If this option is not given, the dummy mood is loaded at startup.
Options for
the http sender
listening addresses of the http sender
The http sender of para_server listens on this port for incoming data connections. This option controls on which addresses the http sender should listen. See the documentation of the --listen-address above for the format of the address argument and the defaults.
TCP port for http streaming
default: 8000
This option has the same meaning as --port, but applies to http data connections and applies to the addresses specified as arguments to --http-listen-address.
make the http access control list a whitelist
The default is to use blacklists, i.e. connections to the http sender are allowed unless the connecting host matches a pattern given by a http-access option. This option allows using access control lists the other way round: Connections are denied from hosts which are not explicitly allowed by one or more http-access options.
add an entry to the http access control list
Add the given host/network to access control list (whitelist if http-default-deny was given, blacklist otherwise) before opening the tcp port. This option can be given multiple times. Example:
whitelists/blacklists the 256 hosts 192.168.0.x.
This option may be given multiple times to blacklist/whitelist any number of hosts or networks.
do not open TCP port for http streaming on startup
If this option is given, the http sender does not listen on its TCP port until the "sender" command is executed to open the port.
maximal number of simultaneous http connections
default: -1
The http sender will refuse connections if already that number of clients are currently connected. A non-positive value (the default) allows for an unlimited number of simultaneous connections.
Options for
the dccp sender
listening addresses of the dccp sender
Like --http-listen-address, but for the dccp sender.
port for dccp streaming
default: 8000
See --http-port for details.
make the dccp access control list a whitelist
See http-default-deny for details.
add an entry to the dccp access control list
See --http-access for details.
do not open the DCCP port on startup
This is like --http-no-autostart but applies to the dccp sender.
maximal number of simultaneous dccp connections
default: -1
See --http-max-clients for details.
upper bound for the FEC slice size
default: 0
If this value is zero (the default) the dccp sender uses the maximum packet size (MPS) of the connection as the slice size. The MPS is a network parameter and depends on the path maximum transmission unit (path MTU) of an incoming connection, i.e. on the largest packet size that can be transmitted without causing fragmentation.
This option allows values less than the MPS in order to fine-tune application performance. Values greater than the MPS of an incoming connection can not be set.
the number of non-redundant slices per FEC group
default: 3
This determines the number of slices in each FEC group which are necessary to decode the group. The given number must be smaller than the argument to the --dccp-slices-per-group option below.
Note that the duration of a FEC group is proportional to the product dccp-max-slice-size * dccp-data-slices-per-group.
the total number of slices per FEC group
default: 4
This value must be larger than the value of the argument to --dccp-data-slices-per-group. The difference of the two values is the number of redundant slices, that is, the number of slices which may be lost without causing interruptions in the audio stream.
Increase this value if you are on a lossy network.
Options for
the udp sender
add udp target with optional port
Add the given host/port to the list of targets. The "host" argument can be either an IPv4/v6 address or hostname (RFC 3986 syntax). The "port" argument is an optional port number. If the "port" part is absent, the "--udp-default-port" value (see below) is used.
The following examples are possible targets: "" (host:port); "" (with default port); "" (IPv4 multicast); "localhost:8001" (hostname with port); "[::1]:8001" (IPv6 localhost); "[badc0de::1]" (IPv6 host with default port); "[FF00::beef]:1500" (IPv6 multicast).
This option can be given multiple times, for multiple targets.
default port for udp targets
default: 8000
do not send the audio stream to UDP targets
If this option is given, udp streaming may be activated at a later time by executing the "sender" command.
outgoing udp multicast interface
-H, --udp-header-interval=<milliseconds>
duration for sending header
default: 2000
As the udp sender has no idea about connected clients it sends the audio file header periodically if necessary. This option specifies the duration between subsequent headers are sent. Smaller values decrease the average time clients have to wait before starting playback, larger values decrease network traffic.
Note that this affects only ogg/* and wma streams. Other audio formats, including mp3, don’t need an audio file header.
-t, --udp-ttl=<num>
set time to live value
default: -1
This option applies exclusively to multicast UDPv4/v6 streaming.
For the sending UDPv4 socket it sets the multicast Time-To-Live value to "num". Traditional TTL scope values are: 0=host, 1=network, 32=same site, 64=same region, 128=same continent, 255=unrestricted. Please note however that this scoping is not a good solution: RFC 2365 e.g. presents a better alternative.
When using UDPv6 multicasting, the option sets the number of multicast hops (as described in RFC 3493); a value of -1 allows the kernel to auto-select the hop value.
LIST OF SERVER COMMANDSThe server process listens on a network socket and accepts connections from para_client or para_audiod. For the connection to succeed the connecting peer must authenticate as one of the users stored in the user table of para_server. Each entry of the user table contains the set of permission bits that are granted to the user. Authenticated users may execute one of the commands below if the set of permission bits of the command is a subset of the permission bits that are granted to the user.
add - add or
update audio files
Usage: add [--all] [--lazy] [--force] [--verbose]
[--] path...
Each path must
be absolute and refer to either an audio file or a
directory. In case of a directory, all audio files in that
directory are added recursively. Note that the given paths
refer to files or directories on the host on which
para_server is running.
-a, --all
add all files
The default is to add only files ending in a known suffix for a supported audio format.
-l, --lazy
add files lazily
If the path already exists in the database, skip this file. This operation is really cheap. Useful to update large directories after some files have been added.
-f, --force
force adding/updating
Recompute the audio format handler data even if a file with the same path and the same hash value exists.
-v, --verbose
enable verbose mode
Print what is being done.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
addatt - add
new attribute(s)
Usage: addatt attribute...
This adds new attributes to the attribute table. At most 64 attributes may be defined.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
check - run
integrity checks on database tables
Usage: check [--aft] [--attribute] [--mood]
If no options
are given, all checks are run.
-a, --aft
run audio file table checks
Report stale paths and invalid image and lyrics ids of the audio file table.
-A, --attribute
check for invalid attributes
Report audio files whose attribute bitmask is invalid, i.e., has a bit set which does not correspond to any attribute of the attribute table.
-m, --mood
check for invalid mood definitions
Run syntax checks on all moods of the mood table.
-p, --playlist
find invalid paths in playlists
Check all playlists for paths not contained in the audio file table.
Permissions: AFS_READ
cpsi - copy
selected parts of the audio file selector info
Usage: cpsi [--attribute-bitmap] [--image-id]
[--lyrics-id] [--lastplayed] [--numplayed] [--verbose] [--]
source pattern...
If no option,
or only --verbose is given, all fields of the audio file
selector info structure are copied to each row of the audio
file table whose path matches at least one of the given
patterns. Otherwise, only those fields which correspond to
the given options are copied.
-a, --attribute-bitmap
copy the attribute bitmap
-i, --image-id
copy the image id
-y, --lyrics-id
copy the lyrics id
-l, --lastplayed
copy the lastplayed timestamp
-n, --numplayed
copy the numplayed counter
-v, --verbose
enable verbose mode
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
ff - jump
forward or backward in the current audio file
Usage: ff seconds
This enqueues a request to reposition the audio stream according to the argument, which may be a signed or an unsigned integer. Negative values correspond to backward jumps.
If a negative number is given whose absolute value exceeds the current postition of the stream, a jump to the beginning of the audio file is performed. If a positive amount of seconds is given which exceeds the remaining time of the audio file, the next audio file is loaded.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
help - list
available commands or print command-specific help
Usage: help [--long] [--] [command]
When executed
without any arguments, the available server commands are
listed. Otherwise, if the first argument is the name of a
server command, the description of this command is shown.
-l, --long
show the long help text
If no non-option argument is supplied to the help subcommand and --long is not given, only the names of all subcommands are shown. With --long the purpose of each command is printed as well.
If the name of a subcommand is supplied and --long is given, the help text for the given subcommand contains the synopsis, the purpose and the description of the specified command, followed by the option list including summary and help text of each option. Without --long the description of the command and the option help are omitted.
hup - reload
config file, log file and user list
Usage: hup
Reread the config file and the user list file, close and reopen the log file, and ask the afs process to do the same. Sending the HUP signal to the server process has the same effect as running this command.
Permissions: VSS_WRITE
init -
initialize the database tables for the audio file
Usage: init [table_name...]
When invoked without arguments, this command creates all tables: audio_files, attributes, scores, moods, lyrics, images, playlists. Otherwise only the given tables are created.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
ll - Query
or set the log level of the daemon
Usage: ll [severity]
If no argument is given, the command prints the severity string (one of the possible string arguments to --loglevel) which corresponds to the current loglevel. Otherwise, if the given argument is a severity string, the current log level is set accordingly.
jmp -
reposition the current stream
Usage: jmp n
Set the ’R’ (reposition request) bit of the vss status flags and enqueue a request to jump to n% of the current audio file, where 0 <= n <= 100.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
ls - list
audio files which match a pattern
Usage: ls [--listing-mode[=<mode>]]
[--limit=<num>] [--basename]
[--admissible[=<specifier/name>]] [--reverse]
[--unix-date] [--sort=<order>] [--] [pattern...]
If no pattern
is given, all files are listed. Otherwise, the command lists
all files of the audio file table whose path matches at
least one of the given patterns.
-l, --listing-mode[=<mode>]
use alternative output format
default: long
The optional mode argument is either a single character or a word according to the following list.
short (s). List only the path or basename (last component of the path), depending on whether -p is also given. This listing mode acts as if --listing-mode had not been given.
long (l). Show detailed information. This is the default if no argument to --listing-mode is supplied.
verbose (v). Multi-line output, one row per data field stored in the audio file table.
parser-friendly (p). Like verbose listing mode, but use numerical values for the names of the output fields and prefix each line with a length field.
mbox (m). Generate output suitable to be viewed with a mail program. One "mail" per matching audio file. This listing mode is deprecated and will be removed after paraslash-0.8.0 has been released.
chunk-table (c). Print path (or basename, depending on whether -p is also given), chunk time and chunk offsets. This listing mode is deprecated and will be removed after paraslash-0.8.0 has been released.
-L, --limit=<num>
list at most this many files
An argument of zero means "unlimited". This is also the default which applies if the option is not given.
-b, --basename
list and match basenames only
Print only the basename of each matching file and match only the basenames of the paths stored in the audio file table against the given patterns. The default is to print and match the full path.
-a, --admissible[=<specifier/name>]
list only admissible files
default: .
If the optional argument is supplied, it must be of the form "p/foo" or "m/bar" (which refer to the playlist named "foo" and the mood named "bar", respectively). The command then restricts its output to the set of files which are admissible with respect to the thusly identified mood or playlist.
If no argument is given, or if the argument is the special value ".", the current mood or playlist is assumed.
-r, --reverse
reverse sort order
-d, --unix-date
print dates as seconds after the epoch
-s, --sort=<order>
change sort order
default: path
The sort order must be given as an required argument. Like for --listing-mode, this argument may either be a single character or a word, according to the following list.
path (p). Sort alphabetically by path or basename, depending on whether -b is given. This is the default if --sort is not given.
score (s). Iterate over the entries of the score table, rather than the audio file table. This sort order implies --admissible, since the score table contains only admissible files.
lastplayed (l)
numplayed (n)
frequency (f)
channels (c)
image-id (i)
lyrics-id (y)
bitrate (b)
duration (d)
audio-format (a)
hash (h)
If --sort is not given, path sort is implied.
Permissions: AFS_READ
lsatt - list
Usage: lsatt [--id-sort] [--long] [--reverse]
Print the list
of all defined attributes which match the given pattern. If
no pattern is given, the full list is printed.
-i, --id-sort
sort attributes by id
The default is to sort alphabetically by name.
Attributes are internally represented as an 64 bit array. The attribute id is the bit number in this array.
-l, --long
print long listing
The long listing prints the attribute id in addition to the name of the attribute. The id is printed as a decimal number and is separated from the name by a tab character.
-r, --reverse
reverse sort order
Permissions: AFS_READ
mvatt -
rename an attribute
Usage: mvatt source dest
Rename the attribute given by the first argument to the destination given by the second argument. It is an error if the destination attribute exists.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
next - close
the stream and start to stream the next audio file
Usage: next
Set the ’N’ (next audio file) bit of the vss status flags. This instructs the server to close the current stream, if any. The ’P’ (playing) bit is not modified by this command. If it is on, playing continues with the next audio file.
This command is equivalent to stop if paused, and has no effect if stopped.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
nomore -
stop playing after current audio file
Usage: nomore
Set the ’O’ (no more) bit of the vss status flags which asks para_server to clear the ’P’ (playing) bit after the ’N’ (next audio file) bit transitions from off to on (because the end of the current audio file is reached). Use this command instead of stop if you don’t like sudden endings.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
pause -
suspend the current stream
Usage: pause
Clear the ’P’ (playing) bit of the vss status flags.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
play - start
or resume playback
Usage: play
Set the ’P’ (playing) bit of the vss status flags.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
rm - remove
rows from the audio file table
Usage: rm [--verbose] [--force] [--pathname-match]
[--] pattern...
Remove all rows
of the audio file table which match any of the given
patterns. Note that this affects only the database table;
the command won’t touch your audio files on disk.
-v, --verbose
print paths of deleted rows
-f, --force
don’t complain if nothing was removed
-p, --pathname-match
modify matching behaviour
Match a slash in the path only with a slash in pattern and not by an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) metacharacter, nor by a bracket expression ([]) containing a slash (see fnmatch(3)).
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
rmatt -
remove attribute(s)
Usage: rmatt pattern...
Remove all attributes which match any given pattern. All information about the removed attributes in the audio file table is lost.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
select -
activate a mood or a playlist
Usage: select [--verbose] [--] specifier/name
The specifier is either ’m’ or ’p’ to indicate whether a playlist or a mood should be activated. Example:
select m/foo
activates the
mood named ’foo’.
-v, --verbose
print information about the loaded mood or playlist
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
sender -
control paraslash senders
Usage: sender [sender subcmd [arguments]]
This command executes a subcommand for the given sender, which is one of "http", "dccp" or "udp". Various subcommands exist to print information about the sender, to activate and deactivate the sender, and to change the access permissions and targets. The following subcommands are available:
help, status, on, off, allow, deny, add, delete.
All senders support the first four commands. The "allow" and "deny" commands are supported by the http and the dccp senders while "add" and "delete" are only supported by the udp sender. If no sender is given, the list of available senders is shown.
Get help for the udp sender (contains further examples):
sender udp help
Show the access control list and the number of connected clients of the http sender:
sender http status
Senders may be activated and deactivated independently of each other. The following command switches off the dccp sender:
sender dccp off
Add an UDP unicast for a client to the target list of the UDP sender:
sender udp add client.foo.org
Start UDP multicast, using the default multicast address:
sender udp add
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
setatt - set
or unset attributes
Usage: setatt attribute{+|-}... pattern...
Set (’+’) or unset (’-’) the given attributes for all audio files matching the given pattern. Example:
setatt rock+ punk+ pop- ’*foo.mp3’
sets the ’rock’ and the ’punk’ attribute and unsets the ’pop’ attribute of all files ending with ’foo.mp3’.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
si - print
server info
Usage: si
Show server and afs PID, number of connections, uptime and more.
stat - print
information about the current audio file
Usage: stat [--num=<num>] [--parser-friendly]
-n, --num=<num>
number of times to show the status info
Exit after the status information has been shown num times. If this option is not given, the command runs in an endless loop.
-p, --parser-friendly
enable parser-friendly output
Show status item identifiers as numerical values and prefix each status item with its size in bytes.
Permissions: VSS_READ
stop - stop
Usage: stop
Clear the ’P’ (playing) bit and set the ’N’ (next audio file) bit of the vss status flags, effectively stopping playback.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
term - ask
the server to terminate
Usage: term
Shut down the server. Instead of this command, you can also send SIGINT or SIGTERM to the para_server process. It should never be necessary to send SIGKILL.
Permissions: VSS_READ | VSS_WRITE
touch -
manipulate the afs information of audio files
Usage: touch [--numplayed=<num>]
[--lastplayed=<num>] [--image-id=<num>]
[--lyrics-id=<num>] [--amp=<num>] [--verbose]
[--pathname-match] [--] pattern...
This command modifies the afs info structure of all rows of the audio file table whose path matches at least one of the given patters.
If at least one option is given which takes a number as its argument, only those fields of the afs info structure are updated which correspond to the given options while all other fields stay unmodified.
If no such option is given, the lastplayed field is set to the current time and the value of the numplayed field is increased by one while all other fields are left unchanged. This mimics what happens when the virtual streaming system selects the file for streaming.
If the file is
admissible for the current mood (or contained in the current
playlist), its score is recomputed according to the changed
-n, --numplayed=<num>
set the numplayed count manually
The numplayed count of an audio file is the number of times the file was selected for streaming. It is one of the inputs to the scoring function which determines the order in which admissible files are streamed.
The virtual streaming system increases this number automatically each time it opens the file for streaming.
-l, --lastplayed=<num>
set the lastplayed time manually
The lastplayed time of an audio file is the time when the file was last opened for streaming.
Like the numplayed count, it is an input for the scoring function and is updated automatically by the virtual streaming system.
The argument must be a number of seconds since the epoch. Example:
touch -l=$(date +%s) file
sets the lastplayed time of ’file’ to the current time.
-i, --image-id=<num>
set the image id
The afs info structure of each row of the audio file table contains a slot for the image id of the audio file that corresponds to the row. The image id stored in this slot refers to the key in the image table that identifies the blob.
When a new audio file is added to the audio file table, its image id starts out as zero, indicating that there is no image associated with the file. Setting the image id to a non-zero number associates the file with a particular blob of the image table, for example the cover art of the album in jpg format.
-y, --lyrics-id=<num>
set the lyrics id
This option works just like --image-id, but sets the lyrics ID rather than the image id.
-a, --amp=<num>
set the amplification value (0-255)
The amplification value of an audio file is a number which is stored in the afs info structure.
The value determines the scaling factor by which the amplitude of the decoded samples should be multiplied in order to normalize the volume. A value of zero means no amplification, 64 means the amplitude should be multiplied by a factor of two, 128 by three and so on.
The amp filter of para_audiod amplifies the volume according to this value.
-v, --verbose
explain what is being done
-p, --pathname-match
modify matching behaviour
Match a slash in the path only with a slash in pattern and not by an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) metacharacter, nor by a bracket expression ([]) containing a slash (see fnmatch(3)).
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
version -
print the git version string of para_server
Usage: version [--verbose]
-v, --verbose
print detailed (multi-line) version text
rmmood -
remove moods blob(s)
Usage: rmmood pattern...
Remove all moods blobs which match any of the given patterns.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
mvmood -
rename moods blob(s)
Usage: mvmood source dest
Rename moods source to dest. The command fails if the source moods does not exist or if the destination moods already exists.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
addmood -
add a blob to the moods table
Usage: addmood moods_name
Read from stdin and ask the audio file selector to create a blob in the moods table. If the named blob already exists, it gets replaced with the new data.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
catmood -
dump a moods blob to stdout
Usage: catmood moods_name
Permissions: AFS_READ
lsmood -
list blobs of type moods which match a pattern
Usage: lsmood [--id-sort] [--long] [--reverse] [--]
Print the list
of all blobs which match the given pattern. If no pattern is
given, the full list is printed.
-i, --id-sort
sort by identifier
The default is to sort alphabetically by name.
-l, --long
long listing
Print identifier and name. The default is to print only the name.
-r, --reverse
reverse sort order
Permissions: AFS_READ
rmpl -
remove playlist blob(s)
Usage: rmpl pattern...
Remove all playlist blobs which match any of the given patterns.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
mvpl -
rename playlist blob(s)
Usage: mvpl source dest
Rename playlist source to dest. The command fails if the source playlist does not exist or if the destination playlist already exists.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
addpl - add
a blob to the playlist table
Usage: addpl playlist_name
Read from stdin and ask the audio file selector to create a blob in the playlist table. If the named blob already exists, it gets replaced with the new data.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
catpl - dump
a playlist blob to stdout
Usage: catpl playlist_name
Permissions: AFS_READ
lspl - list
blobs of type playlist which match a pattern
Usage: lspl [--id-sort] [--long] [--reverse] [--]
Print the list
of all blobs which match the given pattern. If no pattern is
given, the full list is printed.
-i, --id-sort
sort by identifier
The default is to sort alphabetically by name.
-l, --long
long listing
Print identifier and name. The default is to print only the name.
-r, --reverse
reverse sort order
Permissions: AFS_READ
rmimg -
remove image blob(s)
Usage: rmimg pattern...
Remove all image blobs which match any of the given patterns.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
mvimg -
rename image blob(s)
Usage: mvimg source dest
Rename image source to dest. The command fails if the source image does not exist or if the destination image already exists.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
addimg - add
a blob to the image table
Usage: addimg image_name
Read from stdin and ask the audio file selector to create a blob in the image table. If the named blob already exists, it gets replaced with the new data.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
catimg -
dump a image blob to stdout
Usage: catimg image_name
Permissions: AFS_READ
lsimg - list
blobs of type image which match a pattern
Usage: lsimg [--id-sort] [--long] [--reverse] [--]
Print the list
of all blobs which match the given pattern. If no pattern is
given, the full list is printed.
-i, --id-sort
sort by identifier
The default is to sort alphabetically by name.
-l, --long
long listing
Print identifier and name. The default is to print only the name.
-r, --reverse
reverse sort order
Permissions: AFS_READ
rmlyr -
remove lyrics blob(s)
Usage: rmlyr pattern...
Remove all lyrics blobs which match any of the given patterns.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
mvlyr -
rename lyrics blob(s)
Usage: mvlyr source dest
Rename lyrics source to dest. The command fails if the source lyrics does not exist or if the destination lyrics already exists.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
addlyr - add
a blob to the lyrics table
Usage: addlyr lyrics_name
Read from stdin and ask the audio file selector to create a blob in the lyrics table. If the named blob already exists, it gets replaced with the new data.
Permissions: AFS_READ | AFS_WRITE
catlyr -
dump a lyrics blob to stdout
Usage: catlyr lyrics_name
Permissions: AFS_READ
lslyr - list
blobs of type lyrics which match a pattern
Usage: lslyr [--id-sort] [--long] [--reverse] [--]
Print the list
of all blobs which match the given pattern. If no pattern is
given, the full list is printed.
-i, --id-sort
sort by identifier
The default is to sort alphabetically by name.
-l, --long
long listing
Print identifier and name. The default is to print only the name.
-r, --reverse
reverse sort order
Permissions: AFS_READ
Andre Noll
Copyright (C) 2025 Andre Noll
License: GNU GPL version 2
This is free software: you are free to change and
redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Report bugs to
Andre Noll