Public Open Source Projects

The projects listed here solve particular problems the author had with existing software and documentation. They are continued only if others find them useful and point out errors, shortcomings or possible improvements. If you like one of the projects and want to contribute, here is how.

ADU - Advanced Disk Usage

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ADU creates a database containing disk usage statistics of a given directory. This database can be queried to quickly retrieve, for example, the number and the size of all files in a subdirectory owned by a given user.

Advanced Problems in the Linux Environment

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A practical training course for scientists, programmers and system administrators.


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A math book on distributions I wrote long ago (in German).

DSS - The Dyadic Snapshot Scheduler

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DSS creates hardlink-based snapshots of a given directory on a remote or local host using rsync's link-dest feature.

GSU - The Global Subcommand Utility

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GSU is small library of bash functions intended to ease the task of writing and documenting large shell scripts with multiple subcommands.

Hashtar - Tar Archives With a Twist

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This utility creates POSIX tar archives, but for each given regular file, it copies the hash value rather than the actual data into the archive.

Lopsub - The Long Option Parser for Subcommands

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An open source library written in C which aims to ease the task of creating, documenting and parsing the options of Unix command line utilities.

Micoforia - Minimal Containers for Instant Access

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A lightweight container framework for Linux, designed for performance and simplicity.

Misma - The Minimal Snapshot Manager

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A simple daemon which maintains snapshots of thin provisioned logical volumes (Linux-only).

OSL - The Object Storage Layer

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A library for storing small to medium-sized data in relational tables. It is easy to use, lightweight, fast and portable.

Paraslash - Network Audio Streaming

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The paraslash package contains server and client software for network audio streaming and stand-alone utilities for decoding and playing audio files.

Spanish Grammar

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A text book with focus on the differences between the English and the Spanish grammar. It contains many examples and exercises.

Tfortune - Fortune Cookies with Tags

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Like fortune(1), tfortune is a Unix command line utility which prints a random epigram. Epigrams are stored as plain text files, but they must be annotated with tags to make full use of the features which tfortune offers over other implementations.