micoforia - Minimal Containers for Instant Access

micoforia is a lightweight container implementation for Linux. It consists of a single program which reads a single configuration file that describes all containers. micoforia was written with performance and simplicity in mind, and is designed for trusted in-house web application hosting.

Like other container frameworks, micoforia employs Linux namespaces for isolation and cgroup controllers to limit the resource utilization of the containers. Networking is implemented through bridging and virtual ethernet device pairs. There is built-in support for the cpu, memory, I/O and device controllers. Further customization is possible via startup hooks. For example, the startup hook could activate additional cgroup controllers, make the container enter a different namespace, and mount additional file systems.

The micoforia program supports a couple of subcommands. Besides the start subcommand which starts one or more containers, there are subcommands for listing, killing or rebooting containers.



Open source, licensed under the GNU GPL version 3


See the manual page for details.

Programming Language

Plain C.


A working C compiler and a couple of other dependencies, including autoconf, make, m4, libmnl, libcap and liblopsub. On Debian-based systems all dependencies can be installed with apt-get. If a dependency is missing, the configure script bails out and prints the name of the missing package.