
Advanced disk usage

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adu creates a database containing disk usage statistics of a given directory. This database can be queried to quickly retrieve, for example, the number and the size of all files in a subdirectory owned by a given user.

Four different output modes are available: global list, global summary, user list and user summary. The format of the output may be customized via format strings.

There’s an interactive mode which allows to quickly launch many queries on the same database using different modes and different output files.

By default, adu uses the user-summary output format which looks like this:

User summary
root                0   605    12K  267m
mysql             103     8   144    81m
postgres          113    19   506    31m
man                 6    37    87     2m
syslog            101     1    54     1m

The user-list mode prints the largest directories of one or more users:

uid 0 (root):
  55m    8  /var/cache/apt/apt-file/
  43m   35  /var/lib/apt/lists/
  27m    6K /var/lib/dpkg/info/
  25m    4  /var/cache/apt/
  20m  118  /var/lib/gconf/defaults/


Only the source code is available for download. Run

git clone

to clone the adu repository or grab a snapshot from the adu gitweb page.


As adu is based on libosl, the object storage layer, you first have to install libosl.

Adu’s command line parser and the interactive help are generated by gnu gengetopt. Hence the gengetopt package must be installed to compile adu from source.

To generate the man page, help2man must be installed.


adu is open source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.


Email: André Noll,, Homepage:

Comments and bug reports are welcome. Please provide enough info such as the version of adu/libosl you are using and relevant parts of the logs. Including the string [adu] in the subject line is also a good idea.

Man page